Optimize your Payroll management

Are you tired of wasting time managing payroll for your employees and contractors ?

Discover your Payroll application that allows you to :

  • Manage your employees, contractors and payroll in one place,

  • Optimize your working time with automatic calculations and customized reports,

  • Reduce payroll errors and administrative costs,

  • Improve payroll transparency and visibility.

Try it

Don't hesitate to manage your payroll

Simplify your payroll management by adopting the simple, comprehensive solution.

Easy payroll

As a payroll manager, your role is to ensure better payroll management for your company.

Working closely with Human Resources, Accounting and the Payroll Manager

  • Produce pay slips,

  • Optimize your working time with automatic calculations and customized reports,

  • Reduce payroll errors and administrative costs,

  • Improve payroll transparency and visibility.

To play its role properly, it is more than necessary to have a high-performance tool to simplify its management.

Depending on the size of the company, this mission can be more or less tedious.

Imagine having more time to focus on your core business, while our Payroll application supports

  • Management of hours worked, vacations and absences,

  • Calculate wages, taxes and social security contributions,

  • Generation of personalized payslips,

  • Detailed reports and analyses for better decision-making.

Our satisfied customers speak for themselves


Join our thousands of users

Mobility Cloud brings the solution that simplifies your daily life, reduces stress and eliminates all human errors to save you time.

It automates and synchronizes all processing related to your Payroll management and all your company's applications.

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